Decentralized forum
I have an idea of decentralized messenger/forum
It will be based on Crypto Container
It’s the most complicated part of the system …
Each node will have a messenger service wich is a Crypto Container and it will do all the stuff.
First conception
All messages will be sent from ID to ID
ID cam be everything (User, Encrypted Group, Branch of forum etc)
Second conception
The user will own only one (in most cases) node and pay for it coin-hours NCH
The users pays for message transmission, message request is for free.
That means, messages addressed to one specific ID (forum, group etc) will be distributed on many nodes and this is an advantage in reliability.
But this is also a problem.
How to find all messages addressed to specific ID ?
Solution 1
Query all the nodes.
Not very fast if nodes count is > 1000
Solution 2
One node queries 10 other nodes and they query 10 other nodes … until all nodes are queried.
Complicated and also slow.
Solution 3
Each new message gets broadcasted to all other nodes.
And each nodes accumulates data where each id is stored {ID: [node1, node2, ….]}.
Not a final, but a most promising solution.