The files is stored in IPFS
The node shares file through IPFS.
Each file gets encrypted by recipient’s public key (in case it is sent to another client) or by GROUP’s single key (in case the is sent to the group) or by USER’s single key (if the user stores files for personal use only).
The users are not sending files to themselves, they send IPFS links (ipfs://) or HTTP link to gateway (http[s]://)
Files service
Post file to a service
<URL>/files/username/authentication_id {POST}
Command returns link to a file and other info
<URL>/files/username/authentication_id/man {GET}
Display manual
CloudNess Application
Application does most of functionality:
- Stores links to the uploaded files
- Stores names of the files and able to rename each file
- Stores all directories and able to create, rename, move, delete each directory
- Preview of video and audio files