Example of a catalog
<catalog name=”Co-vid 1-9” tags=”tag1,tag2,tag3” owner=”fdghrynytj” dpo=”tdjydythytdj” owner-sig=”sdfjkgnonsdisoej50[49k”>
<folder name=”Info”>
<file url=”ipfs://QmUDR463cWuhg8ucwGhshK7Mk8Yve3j1pMWyCYJLsrjN2V” name=”Bioweapon” descr=””/>
<folder name=”PCR test”>
<file url=”ipfs://QmYt21n5AHKUoRoQ138W51ruW5JvbkwoupxiMCN4Av9RNw” name=”Tanzania president’s speech” descr=””/>
The idea:
Any user can create his own catalog or catalogs and all catalogs together will form a Catalog Of Internet or Catalog Of Universe.
The backbone of system will be IPFS and Emercoin NVS.
IPFS — files storage
NVS — WORM markup
- owner — owner of he node (optional) - owner-sig — signature wich shows that this current node belongs to the current owner
sing(owner.blockchain.nvs.privkey , - dpo — emercoin Digital Proove of Ownership
NVS name: worm.catalog.<catalog name>