Authentication on NESS nodes
Type 1 — authentication_id
For non-critical data communicating between user and node where authentication is needed.
On user side
authentication_id = sign(user_private_key, “node.url-node.nonce-username-user.nonce”)
On node side
The node takes two parameters
- user_name
- authentication_id
verify(user_public_key, “node.url-node.nonce-username-user.nonce”, authentication_id)
If verification is correct the client gets succesfully logged in.
And client can do actions according to nodes policy.
No access to blockchain is required in Authorisation/Verification process, blockchain is only required once, when user generates new keys or key.
If the node changes node.nonce — the authentication_id is changed
If the user changes user.nonce — the authentication_id is changed
Type 2 — two way encryption
For critical data communicating between user and node between user and node where authentication is needed.
On user side
encrypted_data = encrypt(node_public_key, data)signature = sign(user_secret_key, encrypted_data)POST: data: encrypted_data username: username sig: signature
On node side
IF verify(user_public_key, encrypted_data, sig)
data = decrypt(node_secret_key, encrypted_data)encrypted_data = encrypt(user_public_key, data)signature = sign(node_secret_key, encrypted_data)RESPONSE: data: encrypted_data sig: signature
On user side
IF verify(node_public_key, encrypted_data, signature)data = decrypt(user_secret_key, encrypted_data)
What type of encryption will we use ?
It’s a well known standard present in libSodium (PHP, C++, JAVA) and PyNaCl (Python)
Why EMER-SSL do not suit our needs ?
- Very complicated PKI infrastructure build for different purposes and it don’t suit our needs
- We have many key-pairs wich can be changed, and if we will able to put our key-pairs in certificate (which is complicated) we must generate many certificates, but why ?
- We have WORM standard and we don’t need other standard — INFOCARD.
- libSodium + JSON +HTTP + BLOCKCHAIN + WORM makes everything simple